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A composition with dermatological astringent, smoothing and antiseptic properties on the skin

A composition with dermatological astringent, smoothing and antiseptic properties on the skin

Rose water

Moisturizes and purifies the epidermis while tightening pores.

Orange blossom water

Refreshes, softens, soothes and tones the skin

Rosemary essential oil

Tightens and unclogs pores and regulates sebum.

Peppermint essential oil

Purifying and antibacterial properties.

Lemon balm essential oil

Purifying and antibacterial properties.

The beauty elixir has dermatological qualities:
astringent, smoothing and antiseptic properties on the skin, combined with psychosensory stimulating powers.

Eau de beauté :
A composition with multiple benefits

Eau de beauté is distinguished by its essential action on the skin thanks to a powerful astringent effect. By helping to tighten pores, this skincare product contributes to the smoothing effect sought by many appearance-conscious users. Eau de Beauté also helps to brighten the face by enhancing the complexion, making it more even and radiant.

eau de beauté pour femme
Eau de Beauté du Dr Hertzog

The aromatic blend of floral waters and essential oils here generates an exceptional beauty product, eau de beauté, whose harmony is accompanied by a spiritual gratification dedicated to Woman. This product, with its rich composition and essence, not only offers external care but also touches the inner aspect, offering a complete experience of well-being and beauty.

“But when nothing remains of an ancient past…only, more frail but more enduring, more immaterial, more persistent, more faithful, odor and flavor remain for a long time to come, carrying without bending, on their droplet, almost impalpable, the immense edifice of Remembrance. “

Marcel Proust

Legendary water...

The beauty of the complexion and the radiance of the face of the Queens of Hungary once made the fame of an ancient cosmetic composition called “L’eau de Beauté des Reines de Hongrie”. The legend begins with the famous Queen Isabelle of Hungary, who created her famous “Eau de Jouvence”, which bore her name and was all the rage in the 17th century. “In the city of Bude in the Kingdom of Hungary, dated October 12, 1652, was found written the present recipe in a breviary of the Serenissima Dona Isabelle, Queen of the said Kingdom:” I, Dona Isabelle, Queen of Hungary, being seventy-two years old, very infirm and gouty, used the following recipe for a whole year, which I obtained from a hermit whom I have never seen, nor been able to see. Since then, it has done me so much good that at the same time I was cured and regained my strength, so that it seems healthy to everyone. The King of Poland wanted to marry me, which I refused for the Love of God and the Angel, from which I believe I obtained the said recipe. »